Project 2: eBook

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For our next project, we must explore a particular set of parameters from three topics. These topics are organic specimens, images of the body, and architecture. I have chosen to complete this project in the architectural format, as I already have many interesting photos showcasing strong architectural elements. As I complete this project I will be focusing heavily on intense depth which some of my photos contain. For example, the three images above are where I got the inspiration for the idea for this project. Although they are completely different images, they have a sort of balance in common: the same sense of depth. I would like to merge these images into one, creating harmony with three different images. I want to take elements from each photo and incorporate them together to form one balanced image. Because these images show almost the same amount of distance and depth, I feel like I would really be able to create a strong composition with surrealistic elements similar to the first project. The hand-drawn aspect of this project is still in the works, for I am not completely sure how I will incorporate it into my composition. Although I am quite sure it will be quite depth-intensive. Texture will play another key role in this project because I believe texture can make all the difference in completing a visually appealing composition. I plan to use rough and gritty textures similar to my first project. I see rough texture as a more accomplishing addition rather than smooth textures which can be heavily bland. This project is very much still in its infancy but I feel I can create a visually appealing eBook with my beginner photo manipulation skills.

Project 1: Surreal Landscape


The first project for Digital Media was to create a surrealistic landscape utilizing photoshop. My experience with photoshop is very limited so it took a few hours to get used to the controls. For this project, I explored Kent State campus and shot photos of many different examples of rough and grainy textures. These textures included walls, bricks, broken windows, cracked concrete, and grid-like surfaces. I created somewhat of a photo collage and played with a lot of different filters. I felt like this was a success for the first class project.