Animated GIF

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This project introduced us to putting stationary imagery through animation. The class trip to the campus library yielded dozens of possible source photos for this project, but in the end I only went with two images.

These photos offered me two things I wanted for this project, a stool and a visually pleasing 1-point perspective example. I meshed the two together in my first ever GIF, which came out a bit generic and uninteresting. I had trouble scaling the stool in accordance with each frame. As I changed the size of the stool for one frame in an attempt to show it disappearing in the distance, it stayed the same size for each frame. However, I feel it still satisfies the project since the elements of a GIF are all present. My main goal was to get a close frame-by-frame animation, but a truly fluid task such as that would take a long period of time to obtain. Therefore, I sped up some of the latter movements of the stool toward the larger one. My direction for this project changed in an instant, as I focused on offering an idea of bonding of inanimate objects. I tried to give the baby stool some animal-like characteristics such as wandering around and pausing mid movement, but I chose to make the transition of the small stool to its larger counterpart one solid motion.

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