Identity Project

For this project, we are using Illustrator to combine elements of image manipulation to outline our specific personal identities we wish to protrude upon the viewer. My ideals for this project are still within the beta stage, however I will definitely be utilizing the things in life I love which include photography of industrialized spaces, skateboarding, guitar, billiards, and much more. I would like to create my first two art boards with images which really exemplify my presence in Kent, Ohio. Using minor tracing options, I imagine the two images being manipulated toward a kind of culmination of contentedness from feelings and emotions I experienced as a child growing up in this town. To recap, I envision my first two art boards to reflect imagery of industrialized spaces and rustic characteristics which I experienced long ago.

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My 2nd set of two images will be based mainly on my personal interests. This includes but is not limited to skateboarding, guitar, billiards, collecting antiques, and photography. I want these two images to be sort of a recent exposure of my interests, whereas the first art boards reflect something more deeper and meaningful; feelings I felt growing up a few miles from the Kent campus.

IMG_0157 IMG_0490

The distinct contrast between the two sets of two images should allow for a unique and interesting project. My skills with Illustrator are extremely limited, but with the time we have to work on this in-depth project, I feel like I should be able to handle the challenges ahead in a considerably semi-professional fashion.

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