eBook gallery

This project showcased the transformation of 8 base images into something surrealistic and completely different from its base counterpart. The incorporation of hand-drawn images was a requirement, and I related these hand-drawn images to its base counterpart in a relatively realistic fashion. My photos deal mainly with the placement of areas showing depth, 1-point perspective mainly. There are a few images showing 2-point, but for the most part the 1-point areas are being highlighted. For the most part, I am content with how the project transformed from the beta stages into the final piece which is a 16-page interactive pdf ready for iPad visualization. As you view the images below, one can see the amount of imagery taken from the Kent campus and other close areas. Since my current life is situated in Kent, I made sure to relay my residence strongly in this project. Only one image was taken abroad, a Cleveland alleyway mixed with a segment from the world-famous Arcade in downtown Cleveland. Therefore, there is at least one level of pictoral contrast intertwined in the project. I utilized many different filters to try to create each image transformation as unique as possible. I am happy with how this project turned out.

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