In-Class Video Proposal

For this new project, we are recording a minimum of 12 10-second videos depicting what makes us individually angry. I plan to walk around campus and search for things that make me angry such as long lines at the hub, KSU parking enforcement, and maybe even go as far as to depict the outrageous cost of college. I do not think I will utilize actors in my film, as a solo journey of finding things that make me angry would be sufficient enough. Part of being a filmed and/or photographer is waiting for the right moment to capture what is occurring. And many times these moments find the filmer when he/she is least expecting it.

I will use this concept to capture footage for this project. Part of the battle is searching for what I want to achieve in this project. I want to find unusual things that would make me angry, and try to stay away from being to generic and unoriginal. The smallest, mundane things can make people angry. I sense that it will be simple to capture these videos in the imperfect world we live in.

I plan to push myself further than what was accomplished in my 5×5 project, although that was a simple introduction to the programming. I want to explore the tools more than I have been and add a smoother transition from clip to clip without being too noticeable. Another thing I am excited to delve into is the incorporation of text in this new project.

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