Project 9: In-Class Video

For this project the class continued to delve into Adobe Premiere Elements, but this time on a grander, more-polished scale. Instead of the previous project in which we created a 25-second video with 5 different clips of the Rockwell Hall, we were required to create a one-minute narrative detailing what made us particularly angry. After capturing the videos, we then partnered up with one other person in the class and exchanged videos, leaving each other to create a narrative not using our own videos. This “exquisite corpse” approach added much more variety to the overall project, I feel.

I was very impressed with how my video turned out. I spent many hours fine tuning the final video. I scoured the internet in search of many different examples of sound effects of which I tried to remain consistent with throughout the video. Also something I’m happy about is how much I learned about the program from playing around with it myself or talking with my peers. One example of what I learned was lining up sound effects by comparing decibel ranges. Another aspect I really improved upon was the utilization of a variety of clip transition effects. Again, it took a lot of time to get these effects to match up perfectly with the video and sound. One thing I could have added throughout the video would be different forms of human speech, alongside Gabe’s cameo speech which occurs during the credits. I felt I really had a handle on the transition effects and usage of sound, but dotting the video with certain instances of speech could have made for a stronger project. In conclusion, I really feel like this video was a success and enjoyed the creation process of this project.

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