Project 10: Human Movement

For our final project for Digital Media we are required to create a 90 second video which depicts human movement. Since I’m very passionate about skateboarding, I have chosen to create a simple human movement video showcasing some of my favorite flat ground tricks. I shot many videos of different tricks, and it wasn’t until I was done that I noticed I shot every video from the same spot and same angle with my iPad. My professor saw this and helped me use it to my advantage. He began making some copies of some clips and moved them to the beginning of the video, also decreasing the opacity on them. What he left me with were clips layered on top of clips, creating a mask effect which I thought was completely awesome and am very content that he showed me this technique. This technique could not be done if I shot each clip at different angles. The effect creates a much more engaging video rather than a straightforward clip, and I feel like it really builds on the topic of human movement in a unique way. Another detail from the video which is currently missing is slow motion. Since this video shows fast-paced skating, slow motion is critical in enhancing the video to a more delicate degree. Other than some small tweaks and utilizing different effects, I feel like this project is moving along smoothly. 

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