Project 11: The Hybrid

This project is incorporating digital art along with physical art, hence The Hybrid. The first thing that came to mind when thinking about this project was my love for painting, so I will definitely be doing some oil paintings to cover the physical art aspect. I currently have some wood panels primed and ready to go from my personal studies, so I will be using those in this project. Along with the paintings, I will be utilizing Illustrator to best emulate a painterly handling in digital form. I finished one oil gradation already, so I will need to finish the other two panels before hopping into Illustrator. I would rather work in this order as to conjure a better variety of ideas rather than getting confused with Illustrator for I wouldn’t have a concrete idea without painting first. The biggest challenge won’t be the paintings themselves, rather creating cohesive pieces which mesh together compositionally and are balanced. Again, all I have done now is a smooth gradation on one panel. I plan to increase the subject matter to a topic I have not yet defined. I might just end up sticking with gradations, taking into consideration how much I need to paint. Also, the addition of some sort of subject matter on top of these gradations may pose a confusing composition.

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