Foundations Exhibition Spring 2015

This was the first Foundations Exhibition I was part of. I had three pieces: module compositions, my bear head, and my mixed media project for Digital Media. Seeing my work in the gallery made it seem much more professional. I noticed somebody taking a picture of my painting, and that felt great. I have never experienced my art being placed in that sort of setting. I was very happy to finally push my art and make it very viewable for the large audience.

Project 4: Site

My concept for this project is a memorial piece for the lives lost in the Kent State May 4th tragedy. My site is the famous sculptural landmark located next to Taylor Hall, the Pagoda. The Pagoda is a concrete umbrella-shaped sculpture sitting on top of the highest point of the hill. The Pagoda is easily recognizable with those who have experienced the ground zero area of the shootings. I did not take exact measurements of the sculpture, but rather eyeballed it. I know this is unorthodox but I feel I have created a near-exact replica of the Pagoda. My concept came to me a little later in the project process, but I’m really excited I stuck with it. Also, the fact that our final critique is on May 4th makes it a very appropriate piece.

Last year on May 4th, I attended the silent vigil early in the morning. The mass collection of chalk available prompted me to decorate the Pagoda. I grew an attachment to the sculpture in that it was very close to where the shootings happened and I feel it contains some sort of mysterious energy. I think it is very cool that the peace sign I drew on the sculpture is still there a year later.

May 4th, 2014                                         April 29th, 2015

IMG_0835 IMG_2951


This video displays a very large example of stop-motion animation. I really enjoy how each form has a chance to explore the illusion of penetrating the ground. The music pulls the viewer in with its slow start-up and eventual exploration of many different placements of the entire composition around the city of Melbourne.

Project 3 Action terms

Exuberance – the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience. I see this term as being relatable to both aspects of vertical and horizontal placements. The definition itself explains about an excited energy. The balance would definitely be of asymmetrical quality. low contrast would offer a more naturalized motion, and high contrast would yield a more dramatic, organic effect. The movement should be fast-paced, as that coincides with the definition. Proportion should be as big as possible.

Playful – fond of games and amusement; lighthearted. Playful can also be oriented in both vertical and horizontal fashions, as the definition of playful is not limited to one particular plane. Balance should be asymmetrical; playful is random. Movement should be fast, as playful can oftentimes be fast-paced. Proportion shouldn’t matter for this term, as playful extends from many different realms from big to small.

Victorious – having won a victory; triumphant. This term would most likely be suited with a large symmetrical form, maybe like a trophy. The modules should rotate, for a more suitable depiction of the definition. Movement should be fast, and proportion large to show this large “victory”.

Hyper – hyperactive or unusually energetic. This term should utilize a very random movement, with a combination of big and small proportions, along with fast motions to really depict the definition.

Passionate – showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief. This term should exercise a very concrete, formal movement with some sort of apex, a pinnacle, per se. The movement should be medium-paced, with no breaks in the speed. Proportions should be large, as passion often coincides with the steady achievement of large compositions.

Restfulness – a state of freedom from storm or disturbance. This term should exhibit slow and small movements that are conceived by restful actions.

Weak – lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical strength and energy. Weak should also show small and slow movements; big and fast movements would be appropriate for a term opposite of weak.

Broken – having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order. Broken should show literal fractures in the movements of the modules. It is important for the piece to be asymmetrical.

Volatile – easily evaporated at normal temperatures. Volatile should be a sudden explosion of the composition. Modules should be show and excited state, moving in random directions. Proportions should be as big as possible.

Flexible – capable of bending easily without breaking. Flexible should show a very bendy nature of the modules, and can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Confused – unable to think clearly; bewildered. Confused should show literally, a confusing composition of modules going every which way in an asymmetrical pattern.

Anxiety – a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. Anxiety should be similar to confusion, and would be appropriate for the composition to be confined.

Trusting – showing or tending to have a belief in a person’s honesty or sincerity; not suspicious. Trusting should exhibit a concrete structure, a bond. A very symmetrical pattern should be appropriate.

Strong – having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks. Strong should be a bold, large, symmetrical composition that shows a very strong sense of volume.

Languid – displaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed. Languid should display a very lethargic movement. Very slow movements would be appropriate for this term.